-- card: 6515 from stack: in.1 ееее -- bmap block id: 0 -- flags: 4000 -- background id: 6147 -- name: A -- part contents for background part 1 ----- text ----- AKINALIIARONBACABACIBACKBAFTBAILBAITBAKABAMPBANDBANNBARSBASEBASHBASKBATEBAVEBAZABBASBBESBBEYBBOTBDALBEAMBEDEBELEBEREBERRBETSBHALBHORBIDEBIESBIMEBIONBITEBLENBLERBLETBLOWBMHOBNERBNETBODEBOHMBOILBOMABORDBORTBOUTBOVEBOWSBRINBRISBSISBUNABURNBUSEBUSHBUTABUTSBUZZBYESBYMEBYSMBYSSCALECARICASTCERBCETACHARCHEDCHERCHESCHEWCHOOCHORCHUECIDSCIDYCIERCIESCINECINGCINICINSCKERCMESCMICCNEDCOCKCOLDCOMECOOLCORECORNCOSTCREDCRESCRIDCRYLCTASCTEDCTINCTONCTORCUTECYLSDAGEDAPTDAWNDAWSDAYSDDAXDDEDDDERDDISDDLEDEEMDEEPDELADENTDEPSDEPTDIEUDIOSDITSDMANDMENDMITDMIXDOBEDOLFDOORDOPTDOREDORNDOWNDOXADOZEDRAWDRAYDREEDREMDRIPDROPDSUMDULTDUNCDUREDUSHDUSTDYTADYTEDZESECIAEDESEGEREGISEGLEEONSERIEEVUMFACEFALDFAMEFANDFANGFAREFARSFEARFEDEFEEDFEFEFELLFENDFFIXFFROFGODFIEFFILEFILLFINDFINEFIREFLATFLEEFLEYFLOWFOAMFOLEFONDFONGFOOTFOREFOULFRETFRICFRITFROSFTERGAINGAMAGAMEGAMIGAMYGAPEGARSGASPGASTGATEGATYGAVEGAZEGELYGENDGENEGENTGERSGETEGGERGGIEGGRIGGROGGRYGHASGILEGINGGIOSGISMGISTGIVEGLETGLOWGLUTGNELGNESGNUSGONEGONYGOODGORAGRALGREEGRINGROMGUASGUEDGUESGUJAGUSHHEADHEAPHIGHHOLDHULLIAIAIDEDIDERIDESIGREILEDIMEDIMERINUSIREDIRERIRLYISLEITCHIVERJIVAKALAKALEKASTKEEPKEESKELAKELEKENEKNEEKNOWLACKLALALAMOLANDLANSLANTLARDLARMLARYLASTLATELBANLBASLBIDLBINLBUMLCOSLDAYLDERLDISLDOLLDUSLEAKLECSLECYLEFSLEFTLEMELENELEPHLERTLESELESSLEUTLFASLFETLFINLGAELGALLGASLGIDLGINLGOLLGORLGUMLIASLIBILICELIENLIETLIFELIFSLIFTLIGNLIKELIMALIMPLIMSLINELINGLIRYLISELISHLISTLITELIVELKERLKINLKYDLKYLLLAHLLANLLAYLLENLLEYLLISLLODLLOELLOOLLOTLLOWLLOYLLYLLMAHLMASLMEHLMESLMIDLMUDLMUGLOADLODYLOEDLOESLOFTLOGYLOHALOIDLOINLONELONGLOOFLOSELOUDLOUTLOWSLOYNLPHALPICLTARLTELLTERLTHOLTOSLTRYLTUSLUCOLULALUMSLURELURKLWAYLYNEMAHSMAINMANDMANTMARSMASSMAZEMBERMBITMBLEMBOSMEBAMEERMENDMENSMENTMIASMIDEMIDOMIDSMIESMIGAMIGOMINOMINSMIRSMISSMITYMMOSMNIAMOKSMOLEMONGMORTMOURMPLEMPLYMPULMUCKMUSEMYLSNCONNDESNEALNEARNELENENTNGASNGELNGERNGLENGLONGRYNGSTNGUSNILENIMANIMENIMINIONNISENITANKHSNKLENKUSNLASNNALNNEXNNIENNOYNNULNOASNODENOLENOMYNSAENTAENTASNTEDNTESNTICNTISNTRANTRENVILORTAPACEPARTPEAKPEEKPERSPERYPHIDPHISPIANPINGPISHPNEAPORTPPALPPELPPLEPPLYPRILPRONPSESPSISPTLYQUAEQUASRABSRAKSRBORRCEDRCUSRDEBRDORREASRECAREICRENARETERGALRGILRGLERGOLRGONRGOTRGUERGUSRHATRIASRIELRILSRISERMEDRMERRMETRMORROIDROMAROSERPENRRASRRAYRRISRROWRSESRSISRSONRTALRTELRUMSRVALRVOSRYANRYLSSCOTSCUSSDICSHEDSHENSHESSIANSIDESKEDSKERSKEWSPENSPERSPICSPISSSAISSAYSSERSSESSSETSTERSTIRTAXYTILTTLASTMANTMASTOLLTOMSTOMYTONETONYTOPYTRIATRIPTTARTTICUDIOUDITUGERUGHTUGURULICUNTSUNTYURAEURALURARURASUREIURESURICURISURUMUTOSUXINVAILVASTVENSVERSVERTVGASVIANVIONVISOVOIDVOWSVRILWAITWAKEWARDWAREWASHWFULWINGWNEDWOKEWOLSXELSXIALXILEXILSXINGXIOMXITEXLEDXLESXMANXMENXONSYAHSYINSYRIEZANSZINEZOICZOLEZONSZOTEZOTHZTECZURE -- part contents for background part 2 ----- text ----- OREOSREOCRENSREORREPCREDSREDOREOOREOSREOSIEDOREOOREOOREDRREDRREORREOCREOOREOSRFOSRFPRREPCREOCREOSRFOSREDOREOSREOOREOOREOCREDSRFOCREOCREORREOOREORREOOREORREOCREDRREOOREOSIEDCRANSREOCREOSREDCREDSREOOREOCREOCREOCREOOREDSREORREPSREOSRFOOREOCREOOREORREOCREDCREDOREDOREOSREOCREOOREOSREPOREORREORREPRRBOCREDCREDCREDOREOCIEORREOOREOCREPCREDOREOOREOOREORREDSREOOREOOREORREPRREDCREDRREDRREDOREOOREOOREOCREOOREORREDCREPCREOSREORREPCREDSREORREOCREOCREOSREPCREOCREORREOOREDRREDRREOCREDCREOOREOCREORREORREDRRENOREORREOCREOCRFOCRFOSREPRIADRIAPCREORREDCREOCRFNOREDCREOCREOCREORREDRREOCREDOREDOREOOREORREORREDOREORREOCREORREOOREOOREORREDSREPOREOCREPSREPSREOSRBORREORREOCREPRREOOREORREOOREOOREOOREOOREOOREORREPOREOOREOOREOOREORREOOREOCREOCIEDOREOOREOOREOOREOOREOOREOCREDRREDOREOOREORREDRREDOREOOREOOREOCREDCREDCREDRREDRREDSREOCREPCREOCREOSREOOREOSREORREOCREDSREPCREDOREOCREORREDSREOCREDOREDOREDSREOCREORREPOREOSREORIADSREOCSBDSREOSRFPCREOCREDSREPRREDSREOOREOSREOCREDOREORRFOCRENRREOSREOCREORREDSREORREOCREORREDSREORREPRREDCREPRREORREDCREOCREDOREDCREDRREDSREOCREDCREDCREPOREOCREDCREDCREDSRENCREDCREDOREDCREOCREOSREOSREORREOOREOOREOOREDSREPSREOOREOSREORREDOREOCREDRRFORREORREOOREPSREOOREOCREOSREOOREOSREORREOSREPOREORREOCREOSREPOREOCREORRENSREORRENCREDSREPOREOSREPRREDOREOOREOSREOCREOOREOOREORRENSREPSREOOREOCREORREDRREPSREOSREOSREORREOSREOCREOCREOCRENCREOOREORREOSREPOREDCREOCREDSREOOREOSREPRREORREDOREOOREORREDCREDOREDCREDOREOOREOSREOSREOCRENCRENCREOCRENCREOOREORREOOREOOREOCREOCREOCREOSREOSRFOSRFPSRFOSRFPOREOSRFOSREOOREDOREORREDCREPCREDOREOCRFORREDSREOCREOCREOCREOSREOCREDOREOOREDOREOCRFOOREOCREOOREOCREORIEDCREPOREOOREOOREOSREORREDOREOOREOAREDOREOSRFPRREDOREOOREOOREDCREDCREOCREOSREOCREOSREPRREDRREDCREOCREPRREOSREPSREOSREDSREPRRFPRRFOCRFOCREOSREPSRFPCREDRREOCIEPSREPRREPSREOCREOAREDCRFOCREOCREDRREOCREDCREOSREPRREOCRENOREORREDOREORREOSREPCREOCREOCREOCSAOCREOCREOCRENRREORREOSREOSREORREORREOCRENSRFPCREOSREOSREOCREOCREOCIENCREOCREORREPCREOSREORREOSREPSREPSREPRREDCREDCREORIEPSREOSREOCREOCREOCREDCREOSREDSREDCREPRREDCREOCREORREOCREDCREDRREOCREDCRBOSREOCREOCREOCRENCREOSREPSREOCREDRREPRREPCREPSREPCREOCREDRREOSRFOCREOCREPRREORREDCREORREOSREOSREOCIEOSREOCREORREOCREOSREOSRFOCREPRREOSREPCREOCREDCREDSREOCREORREOCREOCREDSRFOSREOCREOSREOCREOSREPSREOCREOSRFPSRFORREPRREOSIEPRREOSREPRRAOSREOCREORREDCREDCREOCREOCREDCREDCREDCREOCREOSRFOCREOSREOSREOCREOOREOCREPCREOCREOCREDRREOCREDCREOSRFOSRFPCREOCREPRREDCREORREOSREORREPRREDSREOCREOCREOCREOCREOSREOCREORREOCREPCIBDRREPCREOSRFPCREPSREPSREPRREDSREORREOCRAPSREOCREOSREORREOCREDCREOCIADRREORREORREOCREOCREDCRENCREOCREOCREOCREOCREDCREOCREDRREDCREDCIEDRREPCREDSREDSREPCREDCREOSREOCREDCREPCIEDCIEDSREPSREPRRFPOREOSRFPSREORREOSREOSREPSREOSREOCREOCREO -- part contents for background part 3 ----- text ----- form of OAKEN Tropical tree Filipino hemp plant of ABACUS Towards the stern Give bail for To set a dog on Filipino hemp plant Unit of electric current form of ABANDON To summon by proclamation form of DEBARS To humble, to degrade To disconcert, make ashamed In a state of basking To put into confusion Language of people of Caucasus Eastern bishop Title of Roman Catholic clergy Mohammaden fanatic Lateral to keel of ship To announce The white poplar tree Clear and evident To go astray East Indian berry - juniper Genus of conifers Abyss Inanimate things in general To bite, nip, taste Freshwater fish Freshwater fish To puff up, swell Unit of electrical conductance Girdle of Jewish priest Unit of electrical resistance South American snake First appearance Bends A vegetable toxin Type of bomb shelter Extreme of orbit Head of Abyssinian church form of AUBURN form of AMBUSH Genus of tropical plants Pays for, atones for Abyss Chasm, abyss (poet) Cold, frozen A mite Cast away, throw down Sour, bitter to taste Vinegar A pickle or relish form of ESCHEW A disease of infants form of ESCHEW Steel Keen attention of eye Part of blackberrylike fruit Winning with an ace (Tennis) Part of blackberrylike fruit Part of blackberrylike fruit Flood tide Highest point Relating to the highest point In a cocked, tilted manner Very cold, e.g., Tom's acold To come to, attain To wax cold, to cool Taste, feel smart of, suffer form of ACOAST, aside Having many acres Chemical compound Proceedings of judicial body Muscle tissue protein Vest worn under mail Type of univalent radical Dawning, gleaming Wakes up By day, during the day North African antelope form of ADZE To revoke as a legacy Deeply Rare girl's name To fasten Fat; animal oil An entrance to a mine Advertising man Advertising men To mix something in At the door Downward (poet) Genus of moschatel plants To withdraw oneself Withdrawal To bear, endure or suffer To the point at issue Dripping Term used in alchemy I am present Hooked like parrot's beak To burn up To precipitate Burnt, scorched, parched of ADYTUM - inner sanctum To prepare Cuplike spore fruit Genus of mosquitos Sick (English University term) Power that protects Genus of tropical trees Eagle's nest form of AEON In front of Simple, sincere To defame To try, tempt To seize To depart Vast distance To frighten, terrify To nourish To nourish To endow by feudal law To strike down form of OFFEND Old Eng. - False idol To endow by feudal law form of DEFILE To fill up, to fulfil To find out, discover Finally, to the end In a flat position To flee away To put to flight Flowing In a foaming state To befool To try, make trial of To take by force In a fretted state An African Arabic evil spirit Tropical lizard In game, in sport Central American wading bird Non-recognition of marriage Substance from seaweeds Alternative form of AGHAST Of the nature of AGATE Tropical plant Coming once each year singular form of AGENDA Compound for bleaching flour Those that age To pour out, shed Earth mound fortification Alumni of Texas A&M African glass used in beads African glass used in beads Turkish military officer Premium for exchanging money Discrimination by age Take care of for a fee To give up, give back Metal sheath on lace To feed to satisfaction Ancient French coin Image of a lamb Where magnetic North = North In good earnest, thoroughly Ancient Greek marketplace Of or belonging to the fields Grinning East Indies tongue disease Toad of tropical America Shivering with cold or fear Spearfish of West Indies Gushing On high Battened down ship Species of spoonbill Sour, sharp Primitive Japanese people Of the nature of air Draft horse Inanimate matter Hawaiian shrub Cold, frozen Cast away, throw down To keep, remain Tropical tree Leader of cub scout pack To make cold, to cool Small dry fruit with one seed On the knees To avow, acknowledge Greek war cry Poplar, cottonwood tree At or on land Wolf dog Type of camphor To fatten Pertaining to wings In the last place Having wings Crystalline substance White substance of brain Whitish Mineral found in Bohemia Peruvian/Mexican dog Continually Rare boy's name Chemical compound Rare boy's name Herring Alcohol induced lunacy Hebrew letter On the left To illumine To lend, grant, give Hebrew letter To release, deliver To make less, diminish Native of Aleutians North African grass Ordeal to test guilt Chess bishop Relating to algae Alternative to ALGAE Cold Substance from certain algae Computer language Chill felt during fever Tree mentioned in Bible Merlin or sparrow-hawk In life Arabic letter To lift Larval stomatopod To befall, happen Muslim religious leader Alternative form of ALIGN Drinking of ale Across each other Allege by rumor Like ale form of A LITTLE A sort of custard Of all kinds Synthetic resin Kind of univalent radical A fish of the herring family A freehold estate form of ALOE To urge on with cries Kind of univalent radical Egyptian singer, dancer Egyptian singer, dancer Egyptian singer, dancer Egyptian singer, dancer Withal, altogether Spanish unit of capacity Tree mentioned in Bible In load A freehold estate Mixed or flavored with ALOES Absurdity, unreasonableness Resembling ALOES A laxative A herring To bow in deference to Lowers, brings down To remove far off form of ALPINE form of ALTAR Alternative form of ALTHOUGH Alteration, change form of ALTO Tawny or White Owl Tuft of feathers on bird Treats with ALUM A walkway in a church Outof place, awry Always To anoint Oriental nurse With full strength To send off A lover, partisan Destroys, spoils External boundary Pulpit in early church Alternative form of AMŒBA Muslim prince or ruler Mentally deficient person Freshwater fish Chemical compound Chemical compound with Amide Chemical compound (Amide) Female friend (French) Female friend (Spanish) Chemical compound (Amine) Muslim prince Harmony (between nations) Sac enclosing embryo Murderous frenzy Plant root used as scrap Not alive, spiritless Cruet used during Mass Type of univalent radical Elbow or elbow-like Mountain range To annoint Near (poet) To annoint With regard to, concerning One of practises of Yoga Old womanish Life, principle, soul Resin from tropical tree Resin from tropical tree Negative ion Plant of carrot family Egyptian symbol of life An elephant goad A medieval dagger Subgenus of ruminants A tropical lizard Lack of purpose, identity Projections of Saturn's rings Architectural - pillars Architectural - pillars Placed a bet in card game Those opposed Cavity in a bone A cave Nautical - in vertical position Nautical - in vertical position The practise of aping Relating to bees Temporary loss of breathing A feint in fencing Dome on building Extreme of an orbit of AQUA - Water of AQUA - Water Oriental liquor Old people's eye blemish Muslim unit of dry measure Genus of palm trees Region lacking drainage Narrow mountainous ridge Species of wild sheep Clay - used for pottery Unrefined tartar Jargon of those in same work Greek myth - 100 eyed giant Buddhist at nirvanna Kind of gazelle Covering of some seeds Medieval helmet Belonging to Arum family Old French unit of area A tapestry Edge at join of two surfaces Unaccented music measure Unaccented music measure of ROTL - Muslim weight Russian workers union Genus of plants Relating to plowed ground Afternoon Indo-European languages Type of univalent radical Broad necktie Spore sac in certain fungi Reduced to ash Turkish monetary unit Poisonous snake (Asp) Brazilian palm tree Steel Lack of order, disturbance Hindu - individual soul Hindu - individual soul An atom; a pygmy Lack of bodily tone A type of allergy of ATRIUM - Hall or court Nautical - aweigh Fragrant essence from flowers Any little part Pertaining to court Invisible emanation of EYRIR - Icelandic money Roman gold coin The ear Containing gold The ear Gold - hence the symbol Au Cell growth stimulator Nautical - Stop! A perennial herb Pertaining to birds An airplane Advice, intelligence Furnished with awns Figure skating jump Axial Angle between stem and leaf A fiber in a neuron Part of a nerve cell A nursemaid in India Hebrew letter form of EYRIE Muslim call to prayer Chemical compound Rocks that lack fossils Chemical compound Radio controlled aerial bomb Old name for nitrogen The metal mercury